The photograph was taken at the PHASE
II Pan Groove pan yard at #13 Hamilton Street, Woodbrook, Port of Spain. The
photograph depicts that the national instrument, the steel pan is eminent
amongst the nation and it draws a larger audience, both nationally and
internationally. The steel pan competition is known as Panorama which is an
annual competition, marking the start of Carnival.
The steel pan is a
form of urban music, originating in the 1930’s in Laventille. Traditionally,
the steel pan was associated with people from the ‘Ghetto’ as they had given
birth to the instrument and was detested by the upper class. It was a
manifestation of cultural retention and renewal by African descendants, and has
proliferated throughout the nation and the world at large through
globalization, the Panorama competition has brought in economic gains through
tourism, exporting of steel pan and national and international sponsorship. The
harmonious sounds of the steel pan and its vibrant and energetic rhythms are
infectious, reaching out to all age groups and social backgrounds.
History: In 1963,
the government of Trinidad and Tobago in conjunction with the National
Association of Trinidad and Tobago Steelbandsmen (NATTS) lunched a new
steelband competition called Panorama
Reflection: This image was taken at this angle because in my opinion it
highlights the various social classes and also numerous face to face
interactions. I was also able to bear witness, and enjoy the astounding music
that emanated from our local ‘steelpan’. This was actually the first time I
ever attended such an event and must I say, it truly was one I didn’t regret .I
will definitely be returning next year.
The people were friendly and communicative, which made this experience
even better. I actually felt like a tourist. This opportunity was one which I
would never regret, and I fervently urge all my fellow classmates, to not miss
out on this spectacular event. It really was an eye-opening experience, clearly
demonstrating that Trinidad and Tobago is a blessed nation, filled with many
Relationship to
textbook: Jane Jacobs pointed out in her famous book 'The Death of Life and
Great American Cities', density and diversity of urban populations generate
serendipity, unexpected encounters and "new combinations" that lead
to innovation. This competition now brings together participants from
approximately thirty-eight (38) steelband-playing countries from around the
world to compete against each other for the title of ICP Champions. If you would
like to experience the Panorama sounds, click the link https://youtu.be/3nwP15Kcf8k
Pan History and Development blog. The. http://www.steelpan-steeldrums-information.com/steel-pan-history.html.
(accessed February 14, 2016)
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